07 March 2011

Endings and Beginnings

Is there really a difference? Isn't one just a continuation of the other? When one thing begins, an ending is inevitable. When that ending comes, a new beginning is always sure to follow. That's how things have felt these last four years, an endless cycle of beginning and endings, endings and beginnings.

I had my last horse show ever with The Ohio State University Hunt Seat Equestrian Team on February 26th and 27th. When I joined OSET, I didn't really have a whole lot of expectations. I expected to keep to myself, learn a few things, and just overall have some fun improving my riding abilities. I never really expected to make new friends, become a more confident, competent rider, and renew that competitive streak I used to have back when I showed Ellie every single weekend during the summer. Perhaps that's why I surprised myself on Sunday when I hopped off my last IHSA horse with my green ribbon (darn that left lead!) and got a bit teary-eyed. My coach said I had a great ride, and when she noticed I was upset, she asked if I had been cose to pointing up for regionals. I shook my head, and she said "Then why are you so upset?" I thought about it for a minute. Regionals had been a long shot for me. I would have had to have won my class on both days at the show in order to point up. After my third place finish on Saturday, there was no chance of that, so the pressure wasn't really there. So I said the only thing I could really think of: "It was my last show." Slighty disappointed in my placing, I was, but even more so I was disappointed that I didn't have more time with the team. I was really quiet last year, and didn't realize what I was missing until I opened up a bit this year and got to know some really awesome girls and overall have an amazing time.

The same thing, I suppose, will go for Pre-Vet Club. The first meeting I went to last year, I was hooked. I never missed a meeting after that, and when I was elected Publicity Chair towards the end of last year, I dove head first into all things OSUPVMA. The friendships I've made during my time with this club are going to extend into the next four years of vet school, and who knows beyond that. I've loved serving as Publicity Chair, and will soon have to relinquish my spot to a newly elected member who will serve from this Spring Quarter until next.

Moving on from these things has really made me look forward into the next few years. I've always been kind of a late bloomer. I didn't start band and drama club in high school until I was a junior. I didn't play softball till I was a senior. Because of my transfer from LCCC, I didn't start OSET or OSUPVM until my junior years of college. The one thing all of these things have in common is that I wish I would have started them earlier because then I would have had more time to do them. The latter two were pretty much out of my control, but the others-the main reason I didn't start earlier was because of fear. Fear I wouldn't be good enough, fear I would make the committment and then not want to do it, fear I would make a foold of myself and in the end, I just plain had fun. So looking ahead to vet school, I really hope to have the courage to try new things. Anything that looks like it might be fun to me, any little opportunity, I hope to seize it. Maybe I will run for class president. Maybe I will join the Equine club. Maybe I'll restart the LGBT club. Who knows? But I plan to make the most of every possibility that I'm fortunate enough to get during my years in vet school.

As far as the here and now, I'm in the final week of the last Winter Quarter of my undergrad career. It's been a rough quarter and we'll see how it turns out. With two quizzes, two homeworks, three projects, and a campus tour to do this week, along with my usual classes and riding lesson, it's gonna be a hectic one. Finals week, hopefully, will go pretty smoothly and then I'll be home free to be on my way to Chi-town with Cherie. But, like all the other endings, this one is just followed by another beginning-Spring Quarter is just around the corner!


  1. I will take heart that you have finally learned a life lesson that I have always tried to impress upon you...Get Involved. It's an important way to make friendships, network and have FUN!! You are blooming before my eyes, tiny baby girl...a little late? Ok-no problem. Being early is sometimes over rated anyway! Love you...

  2. Well I promise to help you make the most of your next four years!! They will be amazing and you will have soo much fun!
